Watch the clock to lock in energy savings

As temperatures rise and summer activities heat up, a reliable flow of electricity is essential to ensure Clay Electric Co-operative members stay cool and connected. 

August brings some of the most extreme summer temps, which means people will be spending more time indoors to avoid the heat, and air conditioners will be working overtime. This increased use of electricity will cause spikes in demand, also known as energy peaks. During peak times, CECI must work closely with our wholesale power provider to ensure a balanced supply of electricity is always available to meet our community’s energy needs. 

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Clay News

One of the Seven Cooperative Principles is “Concern for Community.” Clay Electric Co-operative consi...
As temperatures rise and summer activities heat up, a reliable flow of electricity is essential to e...
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Clay Electric Co-operative, Inc. (CECI) was held at...
One of the Seven Cooperative Principles is Democratic Member Control.