From the Manager - August 2022


The heat is here and with summer high temperatures in full swing, we encourage our members to conserve power where possible. Setting the thermostat to a higher temperature during the heat of the day or when no one is home can help keep energy costs in check. Set your ceiling fans to spin counterclockwise to produce a cooling breeze, avoid using high power appliances in the middle of the day, and turn off unused electronics to help limit the sting at bill time.

I’d like to again remind you that our 78th Annual Meeting will be held on August 25th at Oil Belt Christian Service Camp west of Flora. Each year at the annual meeting, we draw three $500 scholarships for the children of our members. To be eligible, they should be members of the graduating class of 2022 with plans to attend an accredited 2- or 4-year college or trade school. The form for the drawing can be found on page 6 and returned to the cooperative by mail or in person by Friday, August 19th.

Matt Conklin, CEODon’t forget to be on the lookout for your member number in the center section of this magazine. There are three member numbers hidden in Clay Electric News. If you find your number and give us a call, you win $5 off your next bill!

78th Annual Meeting will be held on August 25th at Oil Belt Christian Service Camp